I went down to Flamingo in Everglades National Park today to shoot a Pileated Woodpecker nest with three chicks and it appears a single chick fledged today and the other two probably did so this afternoon or by tomorrow. I hope it is the latter as I am heading down there again in the AM for another chance at shooting them ! It was spectacular. Here is a Pileated flight image as well as an image of a Red Shouldered Hawk that was harassing them.

It is a two hour drive to Flamingo as it as at the very end of mainland Florida. Well, two hours with no traffic that is ! I left at 5 AM to get there at & 7AM for sunrise as the nest is
situated so the sun will hit it after a few minutes from rising and it is in good light untill 10 AM.

Then it is off to "Robert Is Here" fruit stand for the BEST MILKSHAKES in Florida !!
It is actually mandatory that you stop on the way out of ENP , or so I am told.

Anyway, I hope for more images tomorrow. I'll keep myself posted..... haha.

Michael Wolf