Blog. Blogging. Blogger........ Blag.

How do people keep up with stuff like this ?
I blink and weeks have gone by with no updates.... I cease to exist in the Blog world.

Oh well.

I have been doing a lot of shooting at Long Key park in Davie , FL lately and
have been working on silhouette images in the last minutes of sunlight.
I also just spend two days at Gatorland in Orlando a place I love to visit & shoot at !
The owner Mike Godwin is a superb host and will show you the magic places to shoot
that are not usually open to the public !
I had the pleasure of shooting along side of photographer BJ Ramsay of Maryland as well as
Jeff D Johnston from Alabama .

I also had shutter failure on my Canon 1D2N after 80,044 images and it is at Canon NJ repair facility to be fixed or 300.00 ! Ouch !!

So here is a silhouette from Davie of a pair of bickering White Ibis & a pair of Cattle Egret from Gatorland for you to enjoy !