I can't tell you positively what used to live in this nest, but I feel like I can guess Paper Wasps. This nest was GIGANTIC, and scattered all over a hillside. Some animal must have found it. It appeared to come from a hole in the ground that has been torn up, and the bits of nest strewn about.

Click on this picture to enlarge it, and see if you can tell where the soil is disturbed up high, and find all the bits and pieces of wasp nest that are strewn in the grass. For more information from Wikipedia, click on the name, PAPER WASP.

A closer view of the hole, do you see more nests inside?

This photo added Novemner 14, 2008 ~ Science Lady's nice husband climbed the hillside to take a picture inside the nest hole. You will want to enlarge it to see what he saw.