Before leaving the cabin this week I decided to prepare my garden soil for spring planting. It may seem a bit early, but this has been a very unusual winter, one of the mildest in the last century in Coastal BC.

Last fall I did most of the work, pulling my annual crops and cutting the remnants for the compost pile. As usual, I left my root crops, carrots and beets, in the ground over the winter. Even in cold conditions they retain their freshness. But now it's time to get them.

Because my garden floats on the water next to my cabin, I don't want to use anything too damaging for the environment. But I do add steer manure at least a month before planting. It helps replenish the soil without harsh chemicals. Because there's lots of water flow with all the rain, any harmful organic effects are diminished. This is important because we do drink the lake water after boiling.

I spread the manure on top of the soil for now. That way the continued rains won't wash all the nutrients out through the bottom of the raised beds into the lake below. Before planting I'll work it in and let it rest a few more weeks. I learned my lesson about rushing this step several years ago. My seeds planted directly in the soil had a hard time sprouting and the resulting carrots fanged into grotesque (but edible) shapes.

Gardening is one of my favourite things to do on a sunny winter day. It's a reminder of the pleasures of spring days to come. - Margy