Wayne and I are heading up the lake. The forecast is for partial sun, so I'm going to use the opportunity to work in my floating garden.

It's my traditional time to plant seeds in the ground. There is little chance of a frost from here on. If I get things going now I'll be able to start harvesting lettuce and spinach in June.

The soil is all ready to go with peat and manure worked in. I have all my seeds, seed potatoes and onion sets. All I need is some quality time with my soil to get it done.

We'll be up the lake for several days so there'll be no posts for a few days. In the meantime, do you want to know more about float cabin living? Take a look at Wayne's books Up the Lake or Farther Up the Lake. Got a Kindle? Get Up the Lake for only 99 cents (higher in Canada, as usual!). -- Margy

p.s. Wednesday Friends Day will resume next week. Be sure to stop by to discover who it will be.