Available Online - Coastal BC Stories

Posted by radaz212 | 9:18 PM

We are heading up the lake today for a few days rest. I have some great stories to share when we return.

In the meantime, come to www.PowellRiverBooks.com and take a look inside these six exciting books in Wayne's Coastal BC Stories series. They're popular with locals and visitors to the Sunshine Coast because they're all about our Powell River region. Each book focuses on a different perspective.

Up the Lake with stories about hiking, boating, flying and survival off the grid in a floating cabin on Powell Lake. This was the first book in the series and has a variety of stories about the Powell River region.

Up the Main focuses on getting into the backcountry by bike, quad and hiking. Come ride along with on a quad to places like Theodosia Inlet, the head of Powell Lake and on logging roads near and far.

Up the Winter Trail takes the reader snowshoeing, hiking and biking during the winter months. This would be a good book if you are planning on coming to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

Up the Strait cruises the Strait of Georgia to uncrowded and pristine anchorages. Follow our 24' Bayliner Halcyon Days into Desolation Sound, to unique Mittlenatch Island and the Gulf Islands.

Up the Airway wings you across Canada to show off our beautiful country from up above. Fly along with us in our Piper Arrow, land to camp at remote strips with gorgeous scenery, and meet unique animals like the muskox.

Farther Up the Lake is the newest book in the series. It follows in the footsteps of Wayne's most popular book, Up the Lake. Read about living off the grid in a float cabin and about the beauties of Powell Lake.

All of Wayne's books are available online through www.PowellRiverBooks.com.

For Kindle format go to www.Amazon.com and for iPads and other ebook formats go to www.Smashwords.com.

And of course, they are available locally in Powell River at Marine Traders, Coles or Breakwater Books. Happy reading! -- Margy