This week for Wednesday Friends Day I would like to introduce SmalltownRN and her blog called A Place I call Home.

SmalltownRN hails from Vancouver Island in British Columbia. It's pretty country as you can see from the banner on her blog. As you can guess from her handle, SmalltownRN is a nurse. Sometimes her posts are related to health and health care issues. Other times she shares the beautiful countryside and experiences she has on the island. You'll also find her participating in several memes including Skywatch Friday and PhotoHunt. Here are a few of my favourite posts:

SmalltownRN also likes to go bird watching. Check out her other blog called The Amateur Birder to see some of the birds she has encountered. She and her hubby also like to ride quads. Maybe some day we will get together and go for a ride.

So ride on over and see the place that SmalltownRN calls home. -- Margy