INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Colombia conservation group, Fundacion ProAves found two colonies from one of the rarest birds in the world, Oropenduala Baudolino (Psarocolius Cassini).

The bird was known to only a dozen before the discovery. Now the researchers, who work in the Western Cordillera of Colombia 75 miles from their natural habitat, have found 70 to 80 from a very rare bird.

The expedition was partly funded by the American Bird Conservancy. Baudolino Oropenduala according to the criteria listed endangered species IUCN-World Conservation Union.

Bird species was mostly black with brown wings, gray and yellow long tail. The bird has pink cheeks part that sets it apart from similar birds.

Gregarious birds that eat large insects and fruit. The bird is very vocal and producing various kinds of songs.

Unfortunately, two bird colony located in areas that are not protected, where deforestation continues to increase, according to its inventor. [Ito]

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