This week for Wednesday Friends Day I would like to introduce Susannah, better known as Wanderin' Weeta.

Susannah hails from Delta in the Lower Fraser Valley. That's part of the Coastal British Columbia mainland. Her blog is called Wanderin' Weeta (With Waterfowl and Weeds). It is aptly named because many of her articles and photographs are of plants and bird life, but you will also find a host of other nature based topics mixed in for good measure.

Susannah's profile gives you a hint about her good sense of humour and positive outlook on life. She says that she's "as weird as necessary for sanity, as sane as kids and grandkids permit, and a lover of birds, green stuff, tiny beasties and oddities generally." Every time I visit Susannah's blog I know I'll learn something new and experience this wonderful land through her outstanding photographs.

Here are some favourite posts I'd like to share:

Susannah is an author and has two books available online. The first is Fire in the Bedroll, an autobiographical account of a marriage gone wrong. The second is Susie, a collection stories of her childhood growing up the the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Both are available at In addition, Susannah can be found on Flickr (her wonderful photos) and Twitter.

Head on over to Wanderin' Weeta for some great photographs and information. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do. -- Margy