However, for among others, the barn swallow nest is sustenance. The advantage is very beneficial because of its sales in the hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah per kilogram.
Is the Stone Mountain area Kumpai, Uya Muara District, Tabalong that could be considered as a paradise nest swiftlet. It is said that in the presence of thousands of swiftlet caves in the region have been around for hundreds of years ago. Because the price is quite expensive nest, local residents often fight over mengusai pengonteng (where the swiftlet bersaragn).
"In 1987-1988, the price of one kilogram of nests can reach the price of motorcycles. Now, the price is between USD 90-10 million per kilogram," said a local community leader, Sedam Pitan (57) told Reuters yesterday.
Avoid conflict, to preserve the existence of a natural swallow nest was formed two groups: States and States Pengonteng Matingkat Bokor, Pengupa, Tangai, Sembatan and Pinalilit. "If it counted, we are the fifth derivative. Ownership of swallow nest in the Rock's character Kumpai inheritance rights," said Sedam.
Men who used to be called Ulak Sedam said, inheritance rights holders swiftlet nests reached 300 people. So how do I share the profit of sales? "We see the genealogy of inheritance rights or derivatives based on the parent," he said.
To harvest the swiftlet nests, Ulak Sedam said that usually are sold to exporters at Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Samarinda or Java. "For what it swallow nest, we are not yet clear, but they're expensive," he said.
In 1989, Pemkab Tabalong take care of preservation of natural swiftlet's nest. Through local legislation, the organizers were obliged to deposit the swiftlet nests seven persan of sales proceeds to the local treasury.
A fairly large percentage. However, with the high price of swiftlet nests, 'levy' is not too burdensome the managers. Within a year, they can harvest four times. Once the crop reaches 40 pounds. "Back in the 19891990 can reach 60 pounds," he said.
Residents believe, the decrease in yield was due to nest affected by environmental changes. "The noise of the surrounding environment interfere with swiftlet bird population," said Ulak Sedam.
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