A BLOG for Me ......I'm hip , I'm cool .....

Posted by radaz212 | 7:13 PM

March 25 2008

Well here in south Florida we had a late season cold snap today and since it was in the 40's outside this Florida boy stayed inside ! Of course as I look out the window & see clear blue skies after a week of grey skies I am screaming on the inside and OUTSIDE !

Here's one of my latest images from my hobby of photography.......

This is something you almost always see out in the Everglades, Wetlands or even large roadside ponds! These are American Coots and they are quite numerous and since their world seems to be overpopulated they are always chasing each other from their personal space , their territory.

It is fun to watch but only last a few seconds as it happens fast and it is hard to capture as by the time you hear it it is usually over.

Feel free to view my images at Florida Nature Photography.net