What a day. Up at 4 AM & out the door at 5AM and I am heading to the West Coast of Florida
and my destination is Sanibel Island !
So I take 1-95 South from Pompano Beach to I-595 and I-595 West until it turns into I-75 and Alligator Alley and just head west.

It took me three hours to get to Ding Darling National Wildlife Reserve on Sanibel Island and WOW !!! The birds were just everywhere. White Pelicans galore feeding at your feet , Roseate Spoonbills flying in golden sunrise light, Snowy Egrets by the dozens dragging their feet across the water foraging for food , Brown Pelican doing their crazy drop dive and feeding on fish , Flocks of Common Mergansers diving down & popping up like a game in their pursuit of fish ....... I could go on about how great the day was !!
I shot from 745 AM until 11 AM and it was non stop fun. My best shooting on Sanibel Island EVER !
I could not leave the island without stopping by Schnappers Hots on the way out. I am not sure but it may be illeagle to do so ? Best Dogs you will ever have !

Time now to download my pictures ..... : )