Mr. Float Cabin Goes "Up the Lake"

Posted by radaz212 | 4:17 PM

Well, maybe not all the way up the lake. If you are in Powell River and want to meet the author of Coastal BC Stories, come to the Shinglemill Restaurant at the Powell Lake Marina. You will find our trusty bookmobile called Mr. Float Cabin, Wayne and me at the head of the boat launch dock answering questions and signing books from Friday evening through Saturday afternoon.

All titles in the Coastal BC Stories series are $19.95. PhotoCD are $4.95 (a dollar off), and Powell Lake T-shirts are $9.95. Powell River Books will pay all applicable GST and PST if anything is purchased at this special Canada Day weekend sales event.

If you can't make it to the Shinglemill, you can purchase all Coastal BC Stories titles from our trusted partners and Visit for more ordering information.

Have a great Canada Day weekend! I'll be back after the holiday. -- Margy