Cortes Island at the northern end of the Strait of Georgia is a nautical paradise. Last summer Wayne and I took an overnight cruise to several marinas on the south side of the island.Our first stop was in Gorge Harbour. This was an overnight stop with our friends Ken and Sam from Gibsons. The Gorge Harbour Marina is a popular moorage for locals and visitors alike.
East of Gorge Harbour is Manson's Landing. There are only a few spaces at the Government Dock so most boats anchor out. The bay is open to southwest winds and swells, but on a nice day it makes a good spot for a day hook. You can hike about a mile to the village with its restaurant and store, swim in the fresh waters of Hague Lake or bask on the sandy beaches of Manson Landing Provincial Park.
Next head south then northeast to Cortes Bay. In addition to the Government Dock there are outstations for the Seattle and Royal Vancouver Yacht Clubs. If there aren't any spots at the Government Dock and you aren't a yacht club member, anchoring out in well protected Cortes Bay makes a good overnight stop. If you have a bicycle aboard you can ride the island's roads. They are a little hilly, but even for a pedal wimp like me you can get to lots of destinations.
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Cruise to Cortes Island: Day 1So, if you are looking for a destination for a nautical cruise, head up the strait to Cortes Island and it's plentiful anchorages and marinas. -- Margy
Cruise to Cortes Island: Day 2
Fall Cruise to Cortes Island
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