Now Available for Kindle - Coastal BC Stories

Posted by radaz212 | 3:51 AM

Have a Kindle?
Like the outdoors and adventure?
Coastal BC Stories are for YOU

Coastal BC Stories
by Wayne J. Lutz

Head up Powell Lake to experience life in an off the grid float cabin, take a boat to world famous Desolation Sound, ride a quad into the back country and fly overhead for a unique view of this incredible place. Read Up the Lake and discover how exciting life can be on the Sunshine Coast. Special sale price at for only $.99*

Jump in the boat and head up the Strait of Georgia to magnificent anchorages and exciting adventures. Drop your hook in world famous Desolation Sound, discover hidden coves and meet some of the locals. Read Up the Strait and then join us for the cruise of a lifetime. You may never want to leave. On sale at for $5.99

For the pilot and adventurer at heart. Fly high over beautiful Canadian lakes, forests and inlets. Land at remote strips and camp under starry skies. In addition to BC, travel to the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, Canadian prairies and Pacific Northwest for a unique travel experience. Read Up the Airway and see how much fun flying can be. On sale at for $5.99

(*prices may vary in Canada)

For print versions, you can go to for ordering information.