To continue our journey we again have to negotiate several more rapids. We had two choices, 5:00 or 11:00 a.m. Fortunately, Wayne chose the latter since I hate to get up early. We have no real timetable to keep, so that makes it nice.

Immediately after leaving Owen Bay we entered the Upper Rapids. They can flow at 11 knots so using slack water is important. Two rocks almost mid-channel don’t make it any easier.

Next comes Surge Narrows and Beazley Passage. These can flow up to 12 knots and get pretty rough. You can hear them roar just like a waterfall. We’ve been through these before, but in the opposite direction. Beasley is beautiful as you pass through it’s narrow walls. Then you are back in the open and deep waters of Hoskyn Channel.

We’ve almost come full circle. For a change of pace we follow the east side of Quadra Island southbound then across the Strait of Georgia home to Lund. A trip across this expanse of open water wouldn’t be complete without a pass by Mitlenatch Island. It is filled with gulls finishing up the nesting season and sea lions warming on it’s rocky shores.

I hope you enjoyed your cruise with us in Coastal BC. Would you like to read more about the area? Check out Wayne’s book Up the Strait and join us for other exciting trips on the chuck. -- Margy