This week for Wednesday Friends Day I would like to introduce Pacy and her blog Pacy Crochets.Pacy and I are fairly recent followers of each other. I'm not sure who found whom, but it has been great. We have lots of interests in common, one of which is crocheting.
Pacy lives on five acres in Missouri. In some ways I'm envious of all that land to work with, but on the other hand, a floating garden is pretty quick to weed and care for. On the homestead they have llamas named Chili and Sassy and like my friend Margaret in Powell River, Pacy also raises chickens.
In addition to Pacy's blog, she also has a website. One page has a great idea for recycling plastic grocery bags. You can cut them up and crochet them into a variety of products. Click here to check it out.
Pacy has been blogging since July 2009 about sewing, weaving, gardening, living a simple life and, of course, crocheting. Here are a few of my favourites:
- Number One Use for a Husband - Pacy loves a hero
- Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things - useful links
- Help I've Turned into My Grandmother - so true
- How I Came Up with the Garden Plan - and the plan
- My Kitchen Scrubbie was Looking Scary - crochet pattern
- Great Depression Cooking - Pacy introduces Clara
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